For a lot of women, removing unwanted hair can be a very challenging and expensive task. Most individuals tend to visit professional salons in order to get hair removal treatments from time to time to keep the hair from coming back.
However, these treatments are quite expensive and you need to allocate a lot of time to go through the procedures. Good news is that there are various alternative techniques that can eliminate those unwanted hair such as the Tria Laser Hair Removal, which can provide the same positive results as professional salon treatments.

Tria Laser Hair Removal 4x is a home hair removal system that utilizes laser in order to remove hair. It targets the melanin pigment of the hair and hinders hair follicles, which results to hair fall. According to the Tria Laser Hair Removal Reviews that I have researched on the internet you will be able to get the most favorable results in about six to eight treatments. You need to do the treatment every four weeks to target the hairs in the area.
What happens during a Tria Laser Hair Removal session?
To get the best result, it is recommended to avoid plucking or waxing the concerned area for around two months before using the treatment.
However, you can shave the area during that period. In fact, it can help improve the efficiency of the treatment as it allows more of the laser to go deeper into the hair follicles instead of just sections of the hair on the skin.

Once you press the apparatus on the area that needs treatment, you will hear a beeping sound, which means that the apparatus has touched the skin and it is already starting to treat the area. Keep in mind that you need to hold the device in place until the second beep, which means that it has finished treating the area.
In the event that the area is not successfully treated, you will hear a buzz and you need to reapply the treatment. It is essential to continue the procedure all throughout the area of the body that needs the treatment until the entire part has been successfully treated.
According to the manufacturer of the product (Tria Beauty), around fifty beeps is needed per square inch for every treatment session, which usually works out at around thirty minutes per underarm while larger areas such as the back and the legs may require a much longer session.
Generally, laser treatments are quite painful. This is why doctors who are doing laser surgery usually use certain methods to lessen the pain such as cooling sprays, topical anesthesia, pneumatic skin flattening and contact cooling while performing the procedure.
Therefore, if you are going to do this laser hair removal treatment at home, you won’t have access to such methods that can lessen pain. However, Tria has 3 settings that control the treatment’s strength, which can be utilized to lessen pain.
Again from the reviews I found, most women who have tried the device state that the pain is bearable.
Is the Tria Laser Hair Removal System For Everybody?
It is important to know that this product is best for individuals who have fair skin tone. People with darker skin are not recommended to use Tri because it may cause skin injury and irritation. If you have darker skin tone, you can still use laser hair removal but it must be performed by a professional doctor.
Tria Laser state that the device should not be utilized in certain areas of the body such as the ears, face, nipples, head, neck, anus or genitals. Skin sensitivity, hair density and darker skin tone in these body parts may also result to injury. Furthermore, keep in mind that the treatment on blond, red, gray or white hairs won’t be very effective.
Tria Laser Hair Removal Reviews