HomeColorThings That Make You Love and Hate Coloured Hair

Things That Make You Love and Hate Coloured Hair

Getting your hair coloured can leave you feeling wonderful, especially if it’s done correctly. There is nothing like the beautiful feeling of fresh coloured hair, especially if you have some fun colours with highlights or lowlights. There are however, downsides of getting your hair coloured as well. The most frustrating thing is when your roots start growing out and are obviously either darker or lighter than your colour, or even grey. Below is a list of pros and cons when it comes to getting your hair coloured.

Pros And Cons Of Hair Coloring


  • Makes you feel wonderful, prettier, refreshed
  • Looks great, makes you feel more professional at work, gives you more self confidence
  • The colour does so much for your skin tone as well- it livens up your whole face!
  • If you’re wearing your hair up in a pony tail all the time, you can start to wear it down again (big plus!)
  • The colour fills in your roots and covers up your grey
  • Coloured hair makes you look younger
  • Professionally done coloured hair from the salon makes hair look healthier, and in some cases very natural
  • You can get the colour you always wanted to have- a brunette can be blonde and vice versa
  • People who want alternate colours like pink or purple can get it done professionally to avoid damaging their hair- stylists can do a lot of very fun things
  • Highlights and lowlights are very cool looking and it’s always nice to get lots of complements from friends and co-workers!
  • Blonde highlights provide hair with a lift-meaning that if your hair was looking dull or greasy, it will be healthier looking and feeling (hair with a blonde lift looks thicker)
  • You can often go to a salon and get your hair coloured and your nails and toes done all at the same time to avoid separate appointments and more time away from work or other obligations

Cons of Coloured Hair

  • It’s expensive! Sometimes, it can be ridiculously expensive- and many times you have to wait to get your colour done until you can afford it- plus you have to tip 20% (or you should!)
  • Nothing is more frustrating than seeing your roots show after getting your hair coloured. This is true especially when the roots start growing out a week or two after you get them done, and especially for people who have dark brown or black hair and the grey starts to show, or people who have blonde hair and the dark starts to show
  • Getting your hair coloured takes a couple of hours, and some people don’t have a lot of time to fit an appointment in their schedule
  • Scheduling with your stylist is sometimes next to impossible if they are very busy
  • Colouring or highlights/lowlights can be damaging to the hair and how to soften coloured hair
  • Sometimes the colour doesn’t turn out to be what you want and it can be difficult to change or ‘get right’
  • Sometimes you can get bad highlights that are ‘zebra stripes’ or extremely obvious
  • It’s hard to tell your stylist if you don’t like the way your hair turned out- and even harder to call him or her after you’ve gone home and you’ve sat and stewed about it.

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