We all expect to get through the quarantine process in our homes, and you, like most of us, may be thinking about how to handle personal care since the hairdressers are closed. Your hair is growing and all salons are closed due to a global epidemic.
How To Cut Hair By Yourself. It may be time to cut your own hair at home. Cutting your hair is more complicated than it seems, and what we’ll cover in this article may not be suitable for every hair type, but we’ll at least help you find the basics of where to start.
Do you really need a haircut?
There are many ways to change your look without doing something you can regret. As one famous hairdresser said, “We never make our best hair decisions when we’re stressed.” In addition, stylists emphasize that by making a sudden decision, home haircuts can go wrong quickly.
You can understand what we mean by just looking at videos of people trying to cut bangs hair.
While now is a great time to grow your hair, you can review some temporary changes before making permanent changes to your hair. You can create a fake bob cut with the help of wire clips. If your hair is long enough for a ponytail, you can use creative styles to create faux bangs without scissors.
Or you can make a difference by using many hairpins and trying out the braids in your hair.

Brushing our hair is the easiest way to care for our hair, according to hair stylist and salon owner Kenzie Veurink. For people with curly hair, you can do a similar treatment with a wide toothed comb or using your fingers. The goal is to stimulate your scalp and leave natural oils active throughout the length of your hair.
It helps the hair strands stay shiny and strong, and there is some evidence that it stimulates faster hair growth as it activates the scalp. Now that you can have more free time, you can start by making your hair care mask first thing in the morning. In fact, even now your kitchen may have all the necessary ingredients for your hair mask.

How To Cut Hair Home ?
A quality scissors: A sharp edge helps protect your hair from frizz from the ends or moving too much when trimming. You might consider using fine scissors or ordering scissors that need to be used very sharp and carefully.
Hair clippers for short hair: Hair clippers are inadequate for long hair, but they are a good clipper and a good alternative if you want to get at the ends and get a straight cut. It can help if you plan to cut your own hair without any help.

You Should Not Forget These Tips
It can be difficult to cut your own hair in the mirror. If possible, you should find someone to help you fix it. If you have to do it alone, you should use multiple mirrors with the right angles and move smoothly, taking breaks often to check how it looks.
You shouldn’t neglect texture and length
Cutting your own hair is difficult enough for people with long, thick, straight hair. If your hair is curly, short or has particularly dense waves, flaws will be easier to spot, so you have to be careful.
Starting with small cuts
Did you notice that when you use a magnifying mirror when you need to pick your eyebrows with tweezers, it goes too far when you retract? The same principle applies to your hair. You can always cut more, but once you’ve done too many cuts, there’s no turning back. It may help to get away for a few hours before reconsidering your location.

You Should Avoid Horizontal Lines
You should hold your scissors straight up and down and try to cut it a little bit each time. This is especially important if you are working on hair bangs. Horizontal lines are sometimes necessary to pull out the length, but cutting it vertically prevents your hair from getting too short and reduces in between to balance the density of the hair.
If you cut horizontally, you should make sure that you follow the vertical cuts to thin the ends and make the cut look more natural.
Time To Cut Your Hair
You have to be conservative about your hair cutting process. If you have doubts about this and are not sure about doing this cutting yourself, you can wait and make an appointment with your hairdresser after the current quarantine situation has passed. Below, you can check out some cutting tips to help you depending on the length and texture of your hair.
First, you should wash your hair, soften it, and then wait for it to dry completely, as the hair becomes shorter as it dries. This will help you avoid making too many cutting attempts. Before you get started, you can use a brush to lighten the mess.
If your hair is messy, you can moisten it a little, but you need to avoid it getting too moist. You should try to cut with the tip of the scissors instead of using the whole scissors.
Try to make sure the scissors and comb are in close proximity. You can use clips to help you cut your hair into manageable sections. You can start by placing an old towel on your shoulders.

How to trim long hair at home ?
You have to part your hair and cut it into sections. He must bring forward one section at a time and determine how much he wants to cut; you should cut it leaving a little longer than the amount you want to cut. You need to cut the length and cut the ends with the scissors pointing up or down to balance the density.
How to cut short layers yourself ?
Short hair is one example that having damp hair can help you. If you’re using scissors, you should start from the sides and let them work around your head. A comb can be used to guide the scissors and determine where to cut them. You have to take extra care while cutting around the ears.
How to cut curly hair yourself ?
If you want to shorten the length you want, always move forward by leaving it longer than you want to cut. Luckily, if you make mistakes, your curly hair will easily hide that for you. For tight and clear curls, your approach may be different;
You can try dividing your hair into sections, slightly removing tangles, and using firm pressure to keep the hair from moving too much as you cut. It’s important to remember that curly hair has a unique feature, so you should try to be patient and work it out in small sections.
How to cut bangs on yourself ?
If you already have bangs, this is a great tutorial for cutting bangs. If you don’t have bangs or bangs, it’s not recommended to do them yourself. It is necessary to leave the bangs cut to more professional hands.
It is extremely difficult to get accurate and can take a long time to grow properly. If you insist on this, it’s better to get started by reviewing videos that can help.

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